Engagement process
We engage with you across 3 distinct phases to consistently deliver value for outcomes.
Our experience in facilitating thousands of groups across many sectors globally, has led us to continue to develop and innovate how we successfully engage with clients to consistently deliver value.
We work closely with you to Design, Facilitate & Enable the process right for your organisation.
Clients describe our contribution as bringing elegant simplicity to complex issues.
We achieve this by applying logical frameworks to conversations that engage the group to understand and process complex issues.
Our role is in co-designing a growth journey across your organisation and broader ecosystem, taking people from current state to a joint preferred state.

Preferred state

Over the last 30 years, Waterfield has developed effective ways of facilitating groups to work together to rapidly reach consensus.
We harness the ‘collective intelligence’ of the group, in a highly interactive way to produce a shared and owned plan. A plan that maps out their journey to achieve success and results in meaningful action.
Collective intelligence

Agile execution
The execution phase is where a plan touches reality. We help our clients adopt an agile execution model, allowing groups to quickly test their hypothesis. This enables fast re-calibration based on what’s working and what’s not working.
To support this agile approach Waterfield
provides a cloud application to easily monitor and track progress collaboratively with your team.
Design & delivery
We start by best understanding your needs, research areas that impact your environment, and design and deliver the right process for the organisation's desired outcomes.
We work with our clients to strategically design, facilitate and execute preferred outcomes in a collaborative way for solving complex issues.
We are driven and dedicated to add value across each step in the design and delivery cycle, and overall sustainable growth by building capacity internally.

Your objectives
Our value creation process starts and finishes with your objectives; designing and delivering towards the desired outcomes.
We engage in face to face meetings with your key stakeholders to best understand the context and overall requirements, listening to the various interconnecting parts.
A key component includes desk research, covering briefing documents to determine the scope, as well as external sector analysis, thought leadership articles and insights.
Combining both the research and our knowledge on how to harness the collective intelligence of the group, we design a process to achieve your objectives.
We facilitate highly interactive sessions that create a level playing field where every person is informed and comfortable to contribute.
Real time reporting provides immediate and visible feedback of information and decisions during the session which enables the group to build high quality outcomes with confidence.
We debrief post the session to ensure the objectives were met and provide observations of outputs and suggestions on how to improve future collaborative sessions. The debrief is to ensure we deliver the value from the original objectives set.
Build capacity
We work with our clients to build their capacity to harness the collective capability of their people. We achieve this by training, shadow consulting and mentoring internal facilitators.